We’ve partnered with Mastercard to deliver the Click to Pay solution for merchants across the UK and Europe.
Click to Pay will give consumers and merchants a convenient and secure checkout experience, making it easier and safer for them to check out online.

Click to Pay presents a seamless upgrade to merchants' existing payment solutions. There'll be no additional integration or onboarding for existing merchants and partners and no uplift in fees.
The merchants will benefit from increased security, faster customer checkouts and an improved customer experience.

Click to Pay, delivered by DNA Payments via Mastercard, offers a simple and secure payment experience, giving consumers instant access to their preferred payment cards without the need to enter their payment details at checkout.
Once you’ve created a Click to Pay profile at the checkout, you can simply use this payment method, much like a Chip & PIN, but for Ecommerce payments.
Click to Pay provides additional security and authentication solutions such as NuDetect and EMV 3DS to reduce fraud and further boost approval rates.
There’s nothing you need to do, as Click to Pay is a default payment method provided with all DNA Payments Ecommerce checkout solutions.
Just fill in your company details to get your convenient and secure checkout